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How to Configure Alert Settings (Admin) - Knowledgebase / VSee Clinic for Admins - VSee Helpdesk

How to Configure Alert Settings (Admin)

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As a Clinic Admin, you can configure the Alert Settings to define the condition of sending the priority alert when a patient enters the waiting room.

Please contact Sales or your Account Manager to enable this feature in your Clinic.

1. Click on Your Name or the Profile Menu.

2. Select Admin panel.    



3. Click on Room.

4. Select the specific room you want to configure the alert settings and then click on the pen icon under the Action column.



5. Click on the Alert tab.

6. Under Alert Settings, you can edit:

  • When patients with appointments entering the waiting room - select Alert all the providers in the waiting room or Alert only the providers for the appointment.

  • When patients with walk-in visits entering the waiting room - Alert all the providers in the waiting room or Custom alert.



A. When you select Custom alert, you can customize the alert settings per group.

B. Click on the pen icon.



C. A pop-up window will appear.

You can now edit the following details of the existing Custom Alert Groups:

  • Name - Name of the Alert Group

  • Max Time - Maximum length of time alerts will sound for providers within this group. Alerts will begin after the alert of the above group has ended and sound at 15-second intervals until the Max Time is reached.

  • Providers - All Providers with On-call slots, All Providers in the waiting room, or Custom (input the names of the specific Providers you want to receive the custom alerts. Providers include CSR and MA as well.

  • Termination Condition - Stop the alert or Start alert for the next group

D. Click on Submit.



Note: If there is no Custom Alert Group yet, you will be prompted to create one first.


7. Click on Update to save changes.



This admin alert setting should be the primary setting, however, the provider can change the alert setting on their personal level to change it.

For example, if "Alert all the providers in the waiting room" is being selected on the admin level + "Mute alert when a patient enters" on the provider side, then no alert should be sent to this provider.





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