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Breakout Rooms - Knowledgebase / VSee Messenger (Providers and Patients) - VSee Health Helpdesk

Breakout Rooms

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Breakout rooms allow a Provider/Clinic staff to split the current meeting into a maximum of 20 sessions. 

It is important that you are a host of the call to be able to use the breakout room option. As a host, you can move a patient/participant into a breakout room. It is possible to have multiple providers during a call.

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Creating a Breakout Room

1. Click on More/ellipsis

2. Select Participants

A new popup UI will appear showing the list of participants including the Host (You) on the right side of the video. 

Note: This may cover some video windows of other participants on the right side. You may move or drag around the window to adjust.

  • By default, all the participants are listed under the Main Room list.

  • A participant count will also be shown next to the room name to indicate the total number of participants in it.


To add a breakout room, click the +Add Breakout Room button.

  • By default, new breakout rooms are empty.

Note: You are unable to rename a breakout room. Each breakout room created will be named Breakout room 1, Breakout room 2, and so forth.


Joining and Adding Participants to a Breakout Room

Host may click Join Room to join a room. 

To add or move participants to a breakout room, host can drag the participants names into the desired breakout room where they want to move the participant to. Host may also click on More/ellipsis next to the participant name they’d like to move, then click Move to [name of Breakout room] or the desired Breakout Room where they want to move the participant to.

Note: Phone dial in/out participants can't be moved into/out of breakout rooms. They only show in Main Room and there is no option available for them (except kicking them out by clicking the red phone icon on their "frame" in the existing video UI).

  • When the Host sends the Participant to a Breakout Room, they will immediately be transferred to the room. And a confirmation message saying “You have been transferred to Breakout Room #[1].” will be displayed for ten (10) seconds (or the same time as other toast notifications in VM Mac) and disappear on its own.

  • The Host (You) may join 1 breakout room at a time, by clicking on the “Join Room” button next to the room name. The Host may also drag their own name into the breakout room they want to join.

  • Once clicked or dragged, the Host (You) will immediately be transferred to the room. And a confirmation message saying “You have been transferred to Breakout Room #[1]”  will be displayed for ten (10) seconds (or the same time as other toast notifications in VM Mac) and disappear on its own.

  • While a Host is inside a breakout room, they are still able to move all other participants (even if they are not in the same room) to other rooms or back to the main room.

  • The only participant left in the main room is promoted to be the moderator


Deleting a Breakout Room 

Host may click the trash bin icon to delete the room. 

Note: Clicking the trash bin icon deletes the room right away and sends the participants there back to the main room.

  • While a Host (You) is inside a breakout room, they may not be able to remove the room that they’re in until they leave or transfer to another room.

  • A Host may remove a breakout room with another host inside. As long as they are not in the same room.


Scope and Limitations:

  • You can only move users who are also using VSee Messenger 4.14 and above

  • You need to be assigned as a host to be able to move users to breakout rooms

  • The pop-up UI tends to cover the video windows of the participants on the right side

  • There is no search participants function

  • Unable to rename breakout rooms

  • Phone dial-in/out participants can't be moved into/out of breakout rooms. They only show in Main Room and there is no option available for them (except kicking them out by clicking the red phone icon on their "frame" in the existing video UI).

  • The recording feature only works in the main room

  • If the Breakout Rooms feature is disabled, on the VM Desktop app it won’t show the Participant item on the menu. This will prevent the Breakout Rooms window to popup and the user can’t use this feature.

  • If the Breakout Rooms feature is disabled, on the VM mobile apps it won’t show the “Add Breakout Room” button on the participant menu.
    This will prevent adding any Breakout Rooms and therefore no “Send to breakout room” feature will appear on the participant's ellipsis.



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