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The Problem List tab - Knowledgebase / VSee Clinic for Providers - VSee Helpdesk

The Problem List tab

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For Clinics that use the Notes feature and track patient diagnosis (ICD-10 codes), the Problem list tab can be enabled to keep all past diagnoses of each patient’s visits.

Note: Please reach out to your Account Manager if you'd like to enable this feature in your Clinic.


How to Use the Problem List tab

  1. Hover on the patient’s window and click the Minimize icon from the menu tray.

The Visit Details page will appear on the right side of the screen.

  1. Click on the Problem List tab.


  1. Click on +New Diagnosis button.


  1. Search the ICD Code from the dropdown list, select the Start date and End date, select the Status (whether Active, Inactive, Resolved), and you can add a Note.

  2. Click Save Changes.


The new Diagnosis has been saved and added to the Patient’s Problem List tab.

On the Problem List tab, you also have options to Edit or Delete the Diagnosis listed.



Detailed Diagnosis Information:

  • Diagnosis: Clear and concise descriptions of each diagnosed condition will be listed, providing an accurate medical history.

  • Start Date: The date when the diagnosis was first made, helping track the progression and duration of conditions.

  • End Date: If applicable, the date when the diagnosis was resolved or ended, offering a complete picture of your health over time.

  • Status: This allows providers to select the current status of each diagnosis. This helps to keep your medical record up-to-date and indicates which conditions are Active, which have been Resolved, and which are Inactive but still relevant to your medical history.

  • Optional Notes Section: An optional notes section allows providers to include any extra details or relevant information about each diagnosis, supporting a more personalized and comprehensive approach to your care.

Note: Whenever a Provider adds a diagnosis in the SOAP notes during a visit, the Start Date is also marked. This is triggered when the provider signs and sends the notes.


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