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Invite Others To Join You In VSee Messenger - Knowledgebase / VSee Messenger (Providers and Patients) - VSee Health Helpdesk

Invite Others To Join You In VSee Messenger

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With VSee Messenger 4.5, Contact Security feature has been implemented to ensure that a user can only be contacted via chat or call by others that the user has approved. More about Contact Security here.

1. Open VSee Messenger app.

2. Click on the contacts icon. Type the email address and click Find this Person.

4. Your contact may or may not have an existing VSee account yet.

  • Contact has NO VSee Messenger account - Click Invite. The invitation will be received via email with instructions on how to create an account and install VSee Messenger.

  • Contact has existing VSee Messenger account - Type a message on the box (optional) then click Send Contact Request. This contact must first accept your request before you can communicate with each other via VSee.


1. Open the VSee Messenger app. 

2. Click on the contacts icon. Select Invite or Import Contacts.

3. Your browser will open a new tab showing the page below.

A) Find Contacts - Import your existing contacts to VSee from Gmail, Yahoo, and other accounts.

B) Invite People - Directly invite one or multiple contacts by typing their email address and clicking Invite

C) Share Link – Copy and send your personal VSee invite link to contacts you want to invite.


  • Add your share link in your email signature. 

  • If you have your own website, create a hyperlink with your share link.

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