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VC 6.1 - New EMR Features for More Efficient Documentation - News / VSee Clinic - VSee Helpdesk

Jul 15 2024

VC 6.1 - New EMR Features for More Efficient Documentation

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We are excited to announce that, starting July 15, we will be rolling out several new Electronic Medical Record (EMR) features that will streamline your charting and enhance your overall experience.

  • Updated: SOAP Notes with Prompts

  • Updated: Organize Your Visit Notes Templates

  • NEW! Patient Problem List at a Glance

Updated: SOAP Notes with Prompts

No matter how many times you’ve done it, starting from a blank note takes extra work. That’s why we’ve revamped our SOAP notes to provide greater structure and helpful prompts under each section. This makes it possible for clinicians to document faster, clearer, and more concisely with less effort.

For users who already have the SOAP Notes feature enabled, these enhancements will be available under the existing "Notes" tab.

Note: Please reach out to your Account Manager if you'd like to enable this feature in your Clinic.

Read more about the new SOAP Notes formatting here.

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Updated: Organize Your Visit Notes Templates

Reusable visit notes are a great way to save Providers documentation time and effort. But what happens when you have so many saved visit notes templates you don’t know what to do? VSee EMR now provides a way for Providers to better manage their library of templates with the ability to tag, categorize, search, filter, and even clone other Providers' templates. (Individual Providers have the option of making their templates public to other Providers, as long as they belong to the same Clinic).

Templates can save time, ensure that documentation is consistent across all providers and visits, and enhance the overall quality and reliability of your patient records.

Note: Please reach out to your Account Manager if you'd like to enable this feature in your Clinic.

Read more about How to Use Reusable Visit Notes Templates here.



NEW! Patient Problem List at a Glance

Want to get a quick bird’s eye view of all your patient’s past diagnoses and medical issues? We now have the Problem List tab. This new tab helps you track a patient’s past diagnoses and concurrent diagnoses by providing at a glance the ICD code, condition or morbidity, start date, and status of each diagnosis.

With easily accessible and up-to-date information, your clinicians can make better informed decisions.

Note: Please reach out to your Account Manager if you'd like to enable this feature in your Clinic.

Read more about the Problem List here.


If you have any questions related to this release, please contact us at

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